Female Entrepreneurs!

Stop Making THIS Sales Mistake That is Keeping Your Hard Work From Paying Off!


  • This book is about myths. Busting myths that don’t seem like myths because you are so easily programmed by what everyone else tells you is ‘the answer.’ Myths about selling, persuading and success.
  • This book is about beliefs. Helping you believe, not just know, but genuinely believe that persuasion is good. It is used by good people and for powerful impact..
  • This book is about purpose. Your purpose is found in serving people. And, if you’re reading this, you likely serve people best through your offer. People’s lives are changed after working with you.
  • ​This book is about worthy work. Persuasion is powerful. And we’re determined to get it into the hands of good people with a great offer that transforms lives.


This Book Could Change Everything For You And Your Business...


If you are in business, (at least) 70% of your job is to find new clients. People love to call this marketing, networking, advertising - anything but ‘selling.’

This is because salespeople are quick to be thought of as ‘bad.’ You’re probably thinking of a slimy car salesman. 

Have you ever even considered what a ‘good’ salesperson might look like?

Allow me to show you…


  • The dentist that sells your dad on flossing everyday, which had a massive impact on his heart health. And now he gets to roll around on the floor with his grandkids for years to come.
  • The health coach that sells a new mom on the power of consistency, and now she actually looks forward to carrying her 25 lb 10-month-old up the stairs.
  • The coach that sells her client on having the hard conversation at work. And now her client is being recognized on stage for her leadership.

Here's What Female Entrepreneurs Are Saying About Persuade For Good:

Persuasion skills are critical in order to have the impact you want to make.

In order to be excited to persuade for good, you’ve got to see yourself as a salesperson. Or, what we call ourselves, Salesgirls

It’s time to rewire your brain on how you think about selling.

That’s what this book is about. For you to believe that persuading is good. 

You’re made to live a life of influence. You’re made to lead the way. You are made to persuade.

Books will ship within 1 week from the date of order!
For team/staff orders of 8 or more - please email hello@guideculture.co!

Still not 100% sure if this book is for you?

Let me answer some questions that you might have lingering...


1. How is this different from everything else I’ve seen?

This book isn’t about giving you a sales strategy or tactic. It’s giving you the new belief system that becomes the rudder to whatever sales strategy you use.

You will walk away from this book believing that persuasion is inherently good.

Life change is always on the other side of a persuasive message. And an effective persuasive message is always delivered by someone who believes that persuasion is good.


2. What’s in it for me?

When you believe persuasion is good, you can enjoy selling, make the impact you want AND be properly compensated, so you can play the long game.


3. How do I know this is real?

Megan is a copywriter and brings personality to business owners’ copy. But, she was competing with an “unbeatable monster”: AI. “I’m going to be replaced.” “Why would someone pay me when they can use AI?” “Are my services even valuable anymore?” She was feeling defeated and desperate. And, therefore, coming off defeated and desperate to her prospects. That’s until she picked up Persuade for Good. After reading it in one sitting, she was resold on what she does. 


Her new thoughts were - “my work is invaluable. I create an experience unlike any other.” “Nothing can replace my feedback and coaching.”

Her spirit was resurrected, her energy was contagious, and her sales reflected her new beliefs for the first time in 3 years.

4. What’s holding me back? Why haven’t other books worked?

If you’ve tried other books that have offered sales tips, strategies and methods and they didn’t work like you hoped they would - it’s not your fault.

It’s easy to think a new tactic is the answer.

New action, new result, right?


New thoughts, new results.

Let me explain:

Imagine Sales is a person in your life. If Sales were to walk in the room - how would you greet it?

What would you say?

“Oh - wow… I haven’t seen you in a while.”
“Ew, gross. Don’t come near me.”
“I know I’ve been avoiding you…I’ve been busy.”
“You never come through for me… why would I want to be around you?”
“I feel really uncomfortable with you being here.”
“I wasn’t ready for you… can you come next week when I’m more prepared?”
“Yay! I was expecting you. I’m always ready for you.”
“OMG YAY! I can’t wait to spend time with you.”

Can you see how each thought would make you take action completely differently?

It doesn’t matter the action. It matters HOW you take the action. And you change how you take action by restoring, re-framing and rebuilding your relationship with sales.


5. Who/What is to blame?

Popular business gurus are quick to tell you to let your ‘ads do the selling for you’ or ‘make a sales funnel’ or ‘it’s simple - hire a sales team’ or ‘send them a sales page - that should do the heavy lifting for you.’ 

Why do they do this? It’s easy to sell the easy button.

Deep down, these gurus know the one-sure-fire way to make sales a natural byproduct of your work is to do the hard work of rewiring your mind when it comes to how you think about sales.

Ads, funnels, calls and sales pages work WHEN created by someone who believes they are persuading for good.

This isn’t easy - it takes work and practice. It’s like going to sales rehab and getting a brain transplant.

But once you do it, you’re changed forever. 

6. Why Now?

I’m assuming you’re here because you have an offer to sell or a dream of an offer you want to sell.

Wherever you are on your business journey - this book has got to be purchased today.

Why today?

Because they’re coming.

Who’s they?

They’re the 51% of the workforce that is projected to have an offer to sell by the year of 2028.

I’m referring to an ‘offer’ as either a service, a coaching program, a contractor or freelancer.

Some will be good offers. Some will be average. Few will be great.

The worst part? The great offers aren’t usually the ones that win.

The ones that always win are the best salespeople.

That’s why we’re on a mission to get this book into the hands of the best people - the ones that have a heart to serve, the best skills, and an offer that changes lives. We want you to win.

This book will help you believe persuasion is good and also persuade for the good of others.

I want you to win. Beat the other 51% of the workforce. Get ahead. Make yourself findable AND - most importantly - get your offer into the hands of people that need you most.

8. Why Should I Trust You?

We’re Kat and Macy - The Salesgirls. We’ve trained thousands of women in sales skills and have made millions of dollars with nothing more than a powerful message and Instagram stories.

But we’ve been where you are.

When I (Macy) started selling my first offer, I hid behind selling by sharing a play by play of my life on social media.


This resulted in zero sales.

I had to make this work. Or else it was back to a corporate job and - even worse - letting myself down.

My dad lovingly called me out for coming off as ‘ashamed’ to sell.

He was right. I was ashamed. I hated that my insecurities were affecting my results.

Because of this, I went all in on the very thing I resisted: mastering sales skills.

90% of what he taught me was what to think about sales

10% was the technique. I would compare the technique to the steering wheel of the car. It helps you control conversations, but it’s pointless without the car.

The belief of what my ability to persuade does for people was the fuel to the fire.

I started being direct, but in a soft, feminine way.

I sold the pay off, not just the offer.

These beliefs are the very thing that allowed us to hit $1.2 million (organically) in the 3rd year of business and $7 million in total sales by year 5 of business.

And, I believe, if we had this book earlier, we would’ve reached these numbers even faster.

Today, I am a mom that knows exactly what to do to move the needle when I work, and picks up my kids by 2:30 everyday.

I get to be an example of what’s possible for them and for you. I get to do work that’s worth doing AND make my dream money while doing it.

And so can you.


I was persistent, so I pivoted to selling products that had a “no ceiling” type of potential that made my world open up. 

Ah, the power of sales. This was going to be great because, well, I knew I was made for something great.

So off on this journey I went, pouring effort and ideas and nervous energy into this thing that would bring in money and fulfillment on my own terms.

But, no matter what I did or how hard I tried the sales plateaued at a measly $200-$1,000 per month MAXIMUM. For 2 years I got the same results.

At that point I, pregnant with my first child, allowed myself to finally say it: “maybe I’m not cut out for this”

I wasn’t one to give up, but something had to give.

And I was right. Something did give.

It wasn’t what I was doing that was wrong, but HOW I was doing it that was wrong.

Three weeks after my baby was born, I became one of Macy’s first students and my world flipped right side up. I FINALLY saw traction, movement.

I (Kat) always felt it in my bones that I was made for something great. I embarked onto my professional journey as a registered dietitian only to be disappointed by the 9-5 clock-in routine. My dreams of being the TODAY Show dietitian faded before my eyes.

“This is the real me,” I thought. I was unrecognizable to everyone around me, but to me, I finally felt like myself.

My sales reflected it. A 4x increase in 90 days, top 1% in sales within 8 months, and a $10,000 month in one year.

This life change wasn’t just a sales win, but a life win.

Which is why I knew I had to give it all up to partner with Macy to take these skills, and the Salesgirl mission, to the world. 

Trust me when I tell you, everything can change in one year. (we have thousands of Salesgirls say the same)

I’ve been in your shoes, and I promise you don’t need a new pair, you just need to tie those laces. Let’s go, Salesgirl.

9. How Does This Work?

As Salesgirl coaches who have helped thousands of women sell tens of millions of dollars of their offers. What we’ve done is taken the thousands of conversations with thousands of female entrepreneurs and seen what is holding them back, what are they stuck on, what bad investments are they making. We’ve teased out what doesn’t work from popular sales strategies and the lies in the marketplace and set the record straight.

And we’ve put it in this book Persuade for Good.

10. How Can I Get Started?


Grab the book here. You can get an e-book version sent straight to your inbox OR a hard copy to throw in your purse.

10. What Do I have To Lose?

The way I see it, you’ve got 3 options:

Option #1:

Do absolutely nothing and stay exactly where you are right now.

If you love selling, think about selling fondly and sales are flowing in your business more than you can handle - you might not need this new way of thinking about selling.

But, if you want to change your relationship with selling, that leaves you with the other two options:

Option #2:

Figure out a better way yourself

You can keep trying bandaids, but eventually, a surgery will have to happen to make the change you want - for good.

Option #3:

Take 1 hour to read Persuade for Good

Change your beliefs. Change how you think.. Don’t just know - but BELIEVE that persuading is good. And FINALLY see the fruits of your labor. 

There are those that dream about the life they want and those who are ready to do the work that gives them the life they want.

Most will tell you they want to make an impact with their offer.

But we both know very few actually make it happen.

The classic tail of the willful and the wishful.

Since you’ve made it this far, I think you’re one of the few special ones.

If I’m right and you’re with me, I’ll send you your book right away.


Enjoy Selling, Make The Impact You Want AND Be Properly Compensated!

Books will ship within 1 week from the date of order!
For team/staff orders of 8 or more - please email hello@guideculture.co!

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